Offensive:Racy: Very Likely | Adult: Likely Labels:bulletin board | person | poster OCR: GRANDES Requisitio para isuaizar os CD ROM "Visio' Syster ecuirements to pla "Visio CDROM 33 ou superior 386coputer orabove Leer CD ROM single speed 15Kbsupi Singe spe d150KbsCD ROWplave Windows 3.1u Winfows S. abos Placa de s Windew Irocional Windows companb sound bo instrucop de Instalacao install instructions Carregue o Window Run Window iWindows $311. No me Aquv scolhaapca Ececuter "irun.. inows3.1-n the chose the incows95 Io menu Inicia eshaaop "Executa (un.. ingows95 Inthe u choseth Escrev instalar.eae se poreenpl rdp seu CD ROMfr fr m le instaiacao instructione APOIO TECNICO "PROJECTO VISUAL' Email: Visao multi@mail Fax 01357 57.28 TRIBUICA PRODUCCAO VISAO FILMES 1100 Rua Lisboa de Tel Santa 352 14 projesto 21-1 Dto. COMPACT MAIORES DE 18 ANOS Visubl DIG DATA HARD CD-ROM ...